Bethlehem Treasure
Where in this desert can we find a well to fill our empty vessels running o’er? Where is He who will rescue Israel, the Promised One we’ve so long waited for? In Bethlehem of Judah, scriptures say, the long-awaited Sovereign will be born. Behold! The star that guides us points the way. Haste! Lest delay should bring imperial scorn. But, lo, a humble dwelling here we find. No palace this! Yet reverently we kneel He comes to minister to everyone, both those men love and those whom men despise. Lo, after He has borne our sins and tears and died, He’ll rise and live forevermore. Through countless generations you’ll recall the light that shines for us in Bethlehem He’s come to earth that He might consecrate His life for those who dwell in every land. If we can dry a tear or render care to one with broken heart or feeble hand, |
by Robert and Rita Bartholomew