The Whys
As children, we looked at gifts wrapped and tied In piles at the foot of the tree, Guessing at what might be hidden inside, Eager our presents to see. |
As grownups, we notice the wonder-filled eyes Of children who are, as we were, Excited to think of surprises to come And the joy that their gifts can confer. |
All of us, children and grownups alike, Remember a gift from above When God sent his son, who blessed all of our lives With mercy and power and love. |
A feeling of wonder comes over us all As we ponder such love and we feel Our own hearts embraced by his infinite power To restore, to cleanse, and to heal. |
Our gifts, though small tokens of his wondrous gift, Remind us and help us recall Why we celebrate Christmas, wrap gifts, and sing carols And wish “Merry Christmas” to all. |
by Robert and Rita Bartholomew